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A Conversation with Jeremy Begbie
Jeremy Begbie is the inaugural holder of the Thomas A. Langford Research Professorship in Theology at Duke Divinity School and founding...
A Fisher of Man in the Faroe Islands
Article written summer 1994 WILLIAM GIBSON SLOAN The Brethren movement which began around 1830 has always been missionary-minded. This...
#MeToo is a social media movement that cuts a small but significant hole in the dark façade of silence. Most social media protests fade...
What is it about: The Message or Me? (Galatians 1:1-2)
Paul asks and answers one big question in Galatians: If you want to become a Christian, do you first have to become a Jew? If you want to...
Luther fekk nokk fyri 500 árum síðani
Vit siga tað kanska ikki altíð við orðum, men í okkara meiningum, hugburði, eygnabrái, viðmerkingum og verumáta, siga vit mangan tað sama...
The Theology of Creativity
It flows from the very character of God. God is a creative God. God is a creative God. In fact, He invented creativity. It was His idea....
Faith and the Arts: A Fragile Friendship
Twenty years ago, a healthier relationship between Christianity and the fine arts seemed to be on the horizon. Image Journal and CT...
10 things Christianity is NOT
Sometimes we get Christianity mixed up with our own preferences, ideals or passions and miss the radical point of Christian community we...
A Biblical Theology of Music (part five)
Excerpt from my doctoral dissertation on the Theology of Music, written at Dallas Theological Seminary 2011. Doctrine of Imago Dei This...
A Biblical Theology of Music (part four)
Theological Importance of Music The third element to build a biblical theology of music is to understand some of the key passages about...
A Biblical Theology of Music (part three)
Excerpt from my doctoral dissertation on the Theology of Music, written at Dallas Theological Seminary 2011. Theological Importance of...
A Biblical Theology of Music (part two)
Excerpt from my doctoral dissertation on the Theology of Music, written at Dallas Theological Seminary 2011. Elements for a Biblical...
Jesus vísti kvinnum heiður
Í samband við altjóða kvinnudagin, vil eg gera mítt til, at bíbilski boðskapurin um kvinnuna í samfelagnum og samkomuni skal verða...
Public letter from Max Lucado to Donald Trump
Decency for president As the father of three daughters, I reserved the right to interview their dates. Seemed only fair to me. After all,...
Bring Back That Lovin’ Feeling
I remember my first kiss with my husband. Watching a movie in his dorm room, I turned towards his face, and he leaned in to kiss me. The...
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